Plant variety breeding and seed production are essential tasks in agriculture.
From the beginnings of the company back in 1969, and as its name itself reveals ('semillas' means 'seeds' in Spanish), Eurosemillas has worked in this line with a clearly-defined goal: to provide growers with a wide range of selected, high-quality seed.
Our range of varieties does not only allow growers to choose their best fit according to their particular requirements and weather conditions, but also to have available the best-performing seed in terms of yield, resistance, etc.
Tras 45 años de selección, disponemos de más de X variedades de semillas selectas de especies variadas: algodón, girasol, trigo, soja, judía, guisante, arroz, haba, garbanzo, lino, triticale, maíz, cebada, cártamo, espárrago.
After 45 years selecting seed, we have more than X seed varieties available within several species: cotton, sunflower, wheat, soybean, green bean, pea, rice, fava bean, chickpea, flax, triticale, maize, barley, safflower, asparagus.